Shopify Dispatch Issue #441 - Structured data benefits, Shopify Flow retry

Issue #441 - March 6th, 2024

Measuring the benefits of structured data

Ilana Davis writes about the benefits of structured data for Shopify stores.

Shopify Flow - Retry workflows

Shopify's updated Flow so a workflow can now be retried. This should help investigate failures and develop new workflows.

Get a complete view of your customer behavior

The cohort analysis in Repeat Customer Insights will automatically build cohorts for all of your customers. It has the ability to go back through your entire store history so you can get a complete view of your customer behavior.

My articles this week

Cohort Insights released: automatically detect poor cohort performance

Use both historic and recent data for decisions

Focus on your best Shopify channels to attract better customers

Use the leap year to your advantage

Eric Davis

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