Shopify Dispatch Issue #448 - Low-cost items, PCI DSS v4 in Shopify

Issue #448 - April 24th, 2024

Your Low-Cost Items

Kevin Hillstrom writes about having a low-cost product that's loved by customers and keeping it low-cost.

This is why Costco's $1.50 hot dog is so loved.

Powering Shopify’s High-Performance, PCI DSS v4 Compliant Checkout with Sandboxing

A technical post by Ilya Grigorik but it basically says how Shopify is becoming PCI DSS v4 compliant which means more security for credit cards.

Seems like all you need to do is upgrade to their Checkout Extensibility.

Figure out which sales channels send you the best customers

With the acquisition source analysis, Repeat Customer Insights can show you which sales channels are sending you the best customers.

My articles this week

Allow waste by finding your true constraint

Diagnose and prescribe to solve problems

Compare customer behavior by acquisition channel

Invest in your product copywriting

Eric Davis

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