Finding your consistent big spenders in Shopify

In Repeat Customer Insights I was asked:

What is the best report to determine most consistent highest spenders?

You'll want to use the Customer Segmenting reports for that. You can also use the Customer Grid as it's a visual view of the same data and will let you drill down into the details for each customer segment.

The highest spenders will have a high Monetary component from the RFM analysis. I'd recommend looking at these segments as they include other good behaviors in addition to a high total spend:

Those three segments should give you plenty of customers to plan a few marketing campaigns for.

If you haven't installed Repeat Customer Insights yet, it's an easy way to get a detailed look at your customer behavior.

Eric Davis

Learn what your customers are actually doing instead of just guessing

One of the best ways to build a sustainable business starts by getting your customers to come back. Mastering that simple process can be difficult, but builds a lifelong business.
Repeat Customer Insights can help you understand your customer's behavior. With its collection of behavior reports, you can see what they're actually doing instead of guessing and having your efforts fall flat.

Learn more

Topics: Customer analysis Customer segmenting Rfm

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