How often are your new customers coming back to your Shopify store?

Have you ever looked at how often your new customers are coming back to buy again from your store?

You'll probably recognize a few familiar names who keep coming back, but what about new customers?

Are they placing a second order?

1 in 4 should be buying again if you're inline with industry averages.

Some stores will have more, while others will have less. But you should be close to 1 in 4 over the long-term.

So watch your orders today. If one out of a every four isn't a previous customer, you might have work to do with your marketing and retention.

If you want a more robust way to track and measure this, Repeat Customer Insights will automatically calculate this for you and show you how your store is performing across various dates. It can also help you compare different traffic sources.

(This measurement is called the Repeat Purchase Rate)

Eric Davis

Leaky funnel losing repeat customers?

Are you struggling to grow your repeat purchases? Install Repeat Customer Insights to equip your store with the insights it needs to increase your repeat sales.

Learn more

Topics: Repeat purchase rate

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