Make your advertising budgets fluid as customer behavior changes

Starting in November I had to lower my own advertising budgets because there was a high demand which was driving prices up.

I ended up dropping my own advertising to 1/8th of the prior levels.

But now that the holiday season is winding down I'll be starting to increase it again.

You should treat your own advertising budget the same.

Don't just set our budget to a fixed amount and hope that it does okay. Actively manage it to ensure you're profitable.

Understanding your customer's behavior, especially with their first order, is important to determine if your advertising is profitable.

In an ideal case you're making back your advertising spend right away on the first order.

Using Repeat Customer Insights it's a simple process to get a detailed look at your customer behavior.

You can also export your best customers to a file that you can import into Facebook as a custom audience to get even better new customers.

Eric Davis

Market to your customer's timing

Figure out how long customers wait in-between purchases and you have a key component for your marketing timing. This is the basis of the Average Latency metric and Order Sequence Report in Repeat Customer Insights.

Learn more

Topics: Advertising Customer behavior Marketing

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