Spring cleaning your Shopify store for later success

The past several days spring has come to Portland.

The sun is out, flowers are blooming, and there's no longer much of a chill in the air.

That meant it was time to get ready for spring cleaning.

In past years I'd start spring cleaning in September or October, once I was sure spring would be gone...

This year though I have that itch to start on-time.

Every now and then you should do a regular cleaning of your Shopify store too.

Nothing dramatic or world-changing, just a bit freshening up.

One quick cleanup is to fix your store's structured data

Most Shopify themes have horrid structured data so they don't quality for Google's Rich Results and miss out on highly visible SEO enhancements.

JSON-LD for SEO provides high-quality data that will let your store qualify for Rich Results. Often times faster than the industry averages.

Eric Davis

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