Compare your cohort analysis to find customer behavior changes

One of the great benefits of a cohort analysis is that you can compare how time changes customer behavior.

When cohorts are month-based, like in Repeat Customer Insights, you can compare the vertical columns to see how customers behave after e.g. 1 month, 2 months, 6 months.

Example cohort analysis

That'll let you notice changes in revenue, AOV, or overall ordering behavior. When one is much higher or lower than the others, that's a good candidate for investigating deeper.

Use percentages and you can even compare busy to slow periods.

Eric Davis

Get a snapshot of your customer behavior

The sooner you signup for Repeat Customer Insights, the more comparison points your store will have. Each 1st of a the month a new snapshot is taken and saved to your account for analysis.

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Topics: Customer analysis Cohort analysis

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