Detailed customer cohort information for Shopify stores

Repeat Customer Insights now has details for each customer Cohort.

Customer Cohort details example

Previously it would report on all of your cohorts across one dimension of metrics (number of customers, revenue, or AOV). While this is great for finding time-based trends like seasonality or responses to campaigns, it wasn't great for see how a specific cohort of customers behaved.

The new Cohort details is built for that now.

It consolidates all of the behavior for each cohort and includes a running, month-based view of how they are reordering from month-to-month.

It also includes a way to see which customers belong to the cohort and details on those individual customers (number of orders, LTV, automatic segments, grading, etc).

All of this should help you better understand how your customers are behaving and buying so that you can target them better.

If you haven't installed Repeat Customer Insights yet, you should try it's 14-day free trial. It's an easy way to get a detailed look at your customer behavior.

Eric Davis

Retain the best customers and leave the worst for your competitors to steal

If you're having problems with customers not coming back or defecting to competitors, Repeat Customer Insights might help uncover why that's happening.
Using its analyses you can figure out how to better target the good customers and let the bad ones go elsewhere.

Learn more

Topics: Cohort analysis Repeat customer insights

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