How Amazon nailed SEO with Prime Day

While reading about Prime Day, I stumbled across this:

Google has over 71 million search results for "amazon prime day".

2015 was the first Prime Day.

That means in four years Amazon has had Prime Day mentioned on 71 million webpages.

Even 1/100th of that would be a massive SEO boost for most Shopify stores. Even 1/10,000th could take a store from scraping by to "time to hire a bunch of staff".

You probably won't be able to make as wide of a marketing impact as Amazon but with a solid plan you could have your sale highlighted across your industry. That's one way to quickly reach a ton of new customers and build up backlinks that are so important to SEO.

As I wrote yesterday, the big point of Prime Day is the marketing push. Online that results in a lot of links which helps cement your SEO.

There's no reason you can't think of a way to do this on your own.

If you don't yet have a segment for VIP customers, the Customer Grids in Repeat Customer Insights can make that easy. There are 30+ segments created automatically in there so you'd just need to pick a few of them to use and you'd be all set.

Eric Davis

Optimize your promotion timing to save money and attention

Repeat Customer Insights will analyze a ton of customer behavior data for you, including their buying cycles.
If you knew exactly when the majority of your customers were ready to buy again, you can increase your orders and profit just by tweaking your message timing.

Learn more

Topics: Amazon Customer loyalty Seo

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