These articles are on the topic of seo. The newest articles are at the top.
- A SEO world without keywords
- How marketing strategies mirror plant lifecycles
- The Shopify SEO apps I recommend (fewer than you'd think)
- The early birds catch the winter customers
- Picking up piles of pesky paper
- Picking up extra traffic with image alt text
- My process to improve and optimize a page for SEO
- How missing a single Shopify bill can kill your SEO
- How Google's indexing and crawl rate limit impact your Shopify store's SEO
- Are you just painting over the rust in your Shopify store?
- Putting a backlog of valuable content to work
- Who is responsible for the structured data in your Shopify store?
- Blogging for traffic on multiple Shopify stores
- Check your Shopify theme for SEO-harming duplicate title tags
- Using heading tags effectively in your Shopify store for better SEO
- It's not Google's responsibility to index your Shopify store
- SEO for Shopify and ecommerce VS non-ecommerce SEO
- The slow simmer SEO
- How Google crawling your Shopify store will adjust your rankings
- SEO can be your free/no-cost traffic strategy in a recession for your Shopify store
- The new Shopify store marketing plan
- It's the end of May: time to work on your holiday SEO strategy
- How to move your Shopify store to a new domain with the least number of problems
- Tiny Tip: Save story ideas for future content
- These are not the bars you are looking for
- When you're bored but still want to improve your Shopify store
- Build up your earned traffic for your Shopify store
- Why Open Graph tags don't help your Shopify SEO
- Untitled: how to make sure a minor coding mistake doesn't undermine your SEO
- Paid ads and Product Rich Results
- Step-by-step, day-by-day
- Getting 4x the organic space in Google with Sitelinks
- Back to school, time to prepare for Q4 in your Shopify store
- Today's tiny task: optimizing your product image alt text in Shopify
- SEO keywords in Shopify
- It's not a SEO problem, it's a lack of content problem
- How Amazon nailed SEO with Prime Day
- Why your Shopify collections are showing nonsense text in the search results
- Today's tiny task: add SEO data for one product
- A sledgehammer vs a can opener
- Testing URL redirects in Shopify to rescue lost traffic
- Don't deceive your users.
- How to deal with other stores stealing your content and SEO
- The impact of using SEO keywords in your store's titles and meta description
- How you can damage your Shopify store's SEO by using a store password
- Fixing holes in your SEO bucket via broken link repairs
- Shopify SEO: the fundamentals are important to get right
- Remember CARS to remember how Google and SEO works
- How indexing and ranking are different
- Fighting tooth and nail for SEO
- Google algorithm update for June
- Creating high-quality SEO content in Shopify
- Shopify pricing calculator and building marketing assets
- Google Search Console is now tracking Rich Result impressions and clicks
- Shopify doing the robot... robots.txt that is
- How to fix the 404 errors in your Shopify store for more traffic
- How to better describe your Shopify pages for improved rankings in Google
- Google displaying more images in mobile SEO
- How to hide products from Google in your Shopify store
- What Mobile-first indexing means for Shopify stores
- Featured Snippets and Google's new expandable versions
- Google's updated Search Console is now released
- How using the right keywords can boost your Shopify SEO
- Duplicate shipping and shopping content's impact on your Shopify store's SEO
- What would your grandmother say about your Shopify SEO?
- The dangers of generating product descriptions in your Shopify store
- Plugging 404 traffic holes in your Shopify store
- Few core (but fixable) problems with Shopify and SEO
- Where I'm focusing my SEO attention in 2018
- Preview how your Shopify theme displays content
- Why Google Search Console reports that your Shopify store's cart.js is blocked
- Risks of adding product reviews to your Shopify collections
- How Shopify creates the page title, headers, and headlines to support your SEO
- How to acquire more SEO traffic for your Shopify store with only a few products
- How Rich Snippets are impacted when you change your product urls in Shopify
- Google down from 320 to 160 characters for meta descriptions
- Using longer SEO descriptions in your Shopify store to improve your rankings
- Best way to optimize Shopify products that change from year to year
- Creating standardized product templates in Shopify
- What's the minimum length of your product descriptions to boost your Shopify store's SEO
- Determine which products need better descriptions in your Shopify store
- Should you invest time on Shopify pages with Rich Snippets already or ones that don't?
- Every space matters in Google Search
- How three letters can halve your Shopify SEO impact
- Why the totalitarian focus on SEO rankings is foolish for Shopify stores
- Why combining your Shopify product reviews could get you removed from Google
- The first step before you try to grow your Shopify store's traffic
- How product tags can boost your Shopify Store's SEO
- How discontinued products can help your Shopify store's traffic and sales
- When SEO isn't worth the effort
- Prequalify your ideal customers before they visit your Shopify store
- Why Shopify stores always need more traffic
- How to flatline your Shopify SEO in just 4 clicks