Untitled: how to make sure a minor coding mistake doesn't undermine your SEO

Today's Shopify tip might sound super basic but in the past few weeks, I've seen several stores missing even something this basic.

Every webpage should have one and only one HTML <title> tag. That tag heavily influences Google's ranking and can be used by them directly in the search results.

A quick test is to open your store in a browser and check that the text shown in the browser tab is actual text and not just the browser url.

Sirius Cybernetics Corporation is correct, while https://example.com is wrong.

Missing HTML title tag example

If it's showing the latter, your tag is messed up.

Every theme I've seen comes with it by default so there's a good chance that some app you uninstalled wiped it out or lost it due to a coding error. If that's the case, talk to your theme developer and see if they can recover it for you.

If you'd like a structured data app that follows Google's guidelines and is more effective than the rest of the industry at winning Rich Results, you'll want JSON-LD for SEO.

It also doesn't touch your <title> tags like other apps so there's no risk of losing them.

Eric Davis

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Topics: Seo Shopify seo Shopify theme

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