No way to ignore it, you have to send that email

If you want repeat customers, you have to email them.

Sure some might come back on their own or when they see you on social media.

But you'll have no control when that happens.

Sending an email, even a simple one, will let you decide when you want customers to come back to your store.

You could send every day, every week, or even every month. Just make sure you send it.

Otherwise your customers will forget about you and go with a competitor next time.

If you don't know how often your customers are defecting, Repeat Customer Insights can highlight which customers are at risk. Those should get an extra email or two.

Eric Davis

Leaky funnel losing repeat customers?

Are you struggling to grow your repeat purchases? Install Repeat Customer Insights to equip your store with the insights it needs to increase your repeat sales.

Learn more

Topics: Customer retention Email marketing

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