Tracking historic customer segments automatically

The first of the month is fun with Repeat Customer Insights.

That's when the Historic Customer Grids take their snapshots of the customer segments.

This shows and compares how many customers where in which segments. e.g. Loyal customers grew by 10%. It's surprisingly useful to see how customers flow from segment-to-segment over time.

It's one of those things that becomes more valuable the longer you have the app running in the background.

If you want to get your Shopify store customer segments tracked, you can install Repeat Customer Insights (future-you will thank you).

Eric Davis

Analyze your customer's behaviors before they defect

Your customers aren't yours forever. Some might have defected today, never to be seen again.
You need to analyze your customer behavior so you can reach them before they defect.

Learn more

Topics: Customer segmenting Historic performance

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