Shopify Dispatch Issue #208 - Shopify backups, Customer retention

Does Shopify backup store data?

Now is the time to take care of all the little things in your Shopify store, before the busy season starts.

One thing many stores neglect are backups. Ilana Davis writes about how to backup parts your Shopify store, at least the ones Shopify gives you access to.

6 Customer Retention Ideas for the Holidays

Armando Roggio writes about a few customer retention tactics.

They'll work beyond just the holidays too. Any one can be used throughout the year and as a solid foundation to build your retention strategy on.

Analyze your customer's behaviors before they defect

Your customers aren't yours forever. One might have defected today, never to be seen again.

You need to analyze your customer behavior so you can reach them before they defect.

My articles this week

Your product line determines customer loyalty

How to assemble a VIP customer list in Shopify

Today's tiny task: try to subscribe to your own email list

The complexity of using survey data for decision making

Eric Davis

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