Shopify Dispatch Issue #234 - Video uploads come to Shopify, Lessons from the 2008 recession

Bring Product Pages to Life with Built-In Support for 3D Models and Video

Shopify now supports video and 3D models for your product pages.

Depending on your theme it might require an upgrade or code update.

Ecommerce Lessons from the 2008 Crash

Dale Traxler shares what they learned from the 2008 recession about customers, products, suppliers, and more.

Spot odd purchasing behavior

Using the Cohort and Latency reports in Repeat Customer Insights you can better spot swings in purchasing behavior and potential defections before they happen.

My articles this week

Help your customers stick around through uncertainty

Build up your earned traffic for your Shopify store

The segment types Repeat Customer Insights creates automatically for your Shopify store

How waiting on a Shopify theme redesign can protect your profits

Eric Davis

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