Shopify Dispatch Issue #414 - Business entropy, Flow inventory triggers

Issue #414 - August 30th, 2023

My Couch

Kevin Hillstrom writes about how businesses decay over-time unless they are being improved.

Shopify Flow - New triggers for product variant back in stock and out of stock

Shopify Flow's added new trigger for variants coming in/out-of-stock. These are valuable triggers if you want automate anything around inventory levels (e.g. replenishment, back-in-stock notifications).

Leaky funnel losing repeat customers?

Are you struggling to grow your repeat purchases? Install Repeat Customer Insights to equip your store with the insights it needs to increase your repeat sales.

My articles this week

App tips added to Repeat Customer Insights

Plan your holiday marketing in summer

Released: email subscriptions for Order Sequencing

Monitor your most important customer cohorts

Eric Davis

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