Shopify Dispatch Issue #454 - Clicks impact ranking, Capture payment at fulfillment

Issue #454 - June 5th, 2024

Yes, Clicks and Engagement Impact SEO

Ann Smarty reviewed Google documents from court cases and internal leaks to find out that clicks and time-on-site actually does impact Google ranking.

A long time ago this was what everyone thought was happening, but years of public denials shifted opinion. Now it seems like clicks mattered all along.

It's better to ignore what someone says and to look at their actions instead.

New: Automatically capture payment per fulfillment

Shopify adds the ability to capture payment in fulfillment instead of at checkout.

It always surprised me Shopify would capture right away, even for pre-orders. Having this be configurable, it's finally inline with the rest of the ecommerce industry.

Which marketing strategies are producing the best customers for your store?

Analyzing your customers, orders, and products with Repeat Customer Insights can help find which marketing strategies attracted the best customers over the long-term.

My articles this week

Work on big projects during your slow seasons

Your Prime Day

Decide which metrics are important to your Shopify store

Don't let long-term change sneak up on you

Eric Davis

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