Examples of common marketing assets

Here's a list of various marketing assets that you can build or might have already.

Remember, a marketing asset is something that can be reused that will improve your store's marketing.

These are clear marketing assets:

There are other things that can be a marketing asset but since they are under control by someone else so they aren't as good. If you back them up and are careful with how you use them, they could be reusable enough at other places.

Other things that will need refreshing regularly can be marketing assets if you keep them organized. Those are the things many businesses lose and forget about which means a lot of rework.

This isn't meant as an exhaustive list. You'll probably have many more that could fall into these groups or even shift between groups.

It all depends on how easy reuse is and how well it'll take to improvements over time.

Again, it all requires a long-view of your business and customer base.

For seeing how that customer base is responding, you'll want to measure their behavior. Repeat Customer Insights uses buying behavior in many of its analyses which is one of the best behaviors to measure for stores.

Eric Davis

When are your customers defecting?

Are your customers defecting? Use Repeat Customer Insights to find out where in their lifecycle you're losing them.

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Topics: Marketing assets

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