Growth, what is it good for?

When you're looking for growth in your Shopify store, be specific about what kind of growth.

Adding 1,000s of products that don't sell is growth, but it's just costing you resources.

Most of the time sales or profit is what you mean by growth but it doesn't have to be.

It could be more people benefiting from your products. It could be reaching your rabid fans easier. It could be employing more residents of your small town. It could be making the same profit but taking less of your time.

If you're not clear on what growth means to you, someone else will get to decide. You might not like what they decide for you.

If growth means operating more efficiently by building relationship with your repeat customers, the customer analyses in Repeat Customer Insights will be useful to you.

Eric Davis

Learn which products lead to the customers who spend the most

You can use the First Product Analysis in Repeat Customer Insights to see which products lead to the customers who spend the most. Going beyond best sellers, it looks at the long-term purchasing behavior of your customers.

Learn more

Topics: Growth

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