Shopify articles - Page 35

Look beyond the 25th for your selling season

This winter I'm going to try to start some tomatoes and peppers indoors while it's too cold outside for them. It'll be an experiment as the process is new to me, but if it works I could get a few weeks ahead of the season come spring. Similarly, you can...

Use gift cards to catch those last minute orders

With the holiday shipping season starting to close, now is the time that many stores are recommending gift cards to customers. These can be great for buyers who procrastinated gift-buying but they also serve self-gifters. Especially if there are incentives around them. Promoting gift cards can be easy once you...

'Tis the season of blown fuses

A few years ago we bought some Christmas lights that can be more heavily exposed to the elements. The hope was to avoid having to restring them every year. They worked fine for two years. This year when I plugged them in to test them, they worked for a second...

The holiday anniversary campaign to bring back customers

Some customers just don't buy regularly. One group are the holiday shoppers. They buy during the holiday season and then disappear. Some might come back the next holiday season, only to disappear again. This sort of customers benefits from a reminder email once a year at the start of the...

Half-solving problems

During a busy season, any problems that turn up can get messy. The problem has to be solved but solving it while you're busy might slow things too much which creates even more problems. Usually the natural response is to solve the problem well-enough for now and then (hopefully) come...

Tiny Tip: create three titles for each content

Today's Tiny Tip is to create three titles or subject lines for your content. Normally there's a lot of stress about picking the best title for something. If you set a goal of creating three titles instead, you give yourself freedom to create one that sucks. Even with a bad...

Look beyond busyness

It's been an interesting busy season so far. The amount of data coming into Repeat Customer Insights has definitely increased since Black Friday. It's not a problem for the app or anywhere near the max capacity, but it's a good sign for the stores. This increase means a lot of...

Becoming efficient at the wrong thing

Last week Kevin Hillstrom wrote about optimizing for the wrong measurement. He was implying optimizing for orders received or total sales on Cyber Monday when in-fact the business should be measuring profitability. This optimization happens all the time and it's an easy trap to fall into. Traffic is one of...

Experiment this weekend

Tomorrow is the first holiday weekend since the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend. Hopefully it won't be as crazy for you but still busy. Good busy. Not "I-want-to-pull-my-hair-out-from-these-customers" busy. This weekend is a good time to try an experiment or two that you built for this season. Now that the initial...

The all-important November and December customer cohorts

Today marks the start of a new customer cohort. Customers who ordered last month fall into the November cohort which are usually the early shoppers of the holiday. December's customers will be the remaining holiday shoppers along with a few minor groups (e.g. self-gifters, the end-of-the-year business shoppers, etc). While...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.