Shopify articles - Page 36

How Customer Purchase Latency takes the guesswork out of scheduling marketing

Customer Purchase Latency is a metric that measures the number of day in-between orders. If a customer comes in to buy a sandwich every day, their latency is 1 (day). If they come in every Tuesday, it's 7. Alone, Customer Purchase Latency isn't very actionable because individual customer behavior varies...

Use quality tools to give you the answers you need

With Spring just around the corner, I've been monitoring the garden temperatures in the air and soil. The experiment with the grow lights worked really well. Too-well in fact... The fava grew quite well (less than 3% failed to germinate). The peas though, they took off like little-green rockets and...

Analyze how your customer base changes over time to find hidden trends

An extremely valuable analysis technique that's often overlooked is to evaluate how your customer base changes over time. Not just demographic data (e.g. they are getting older) but how your different customer segments make-up your customer base as a whole. Are you getting more loyal customers? Are so-so customers defecting...

How different AOV meanings teach you new things about your customers

Average Order Value (AOV) is a metric mentioned a lot when it comes to ecommerce metrics. It's easy enough to calculate your AOV, you're just adding a bunch of order totals together and then dividing to find the average. The fun part of comes from giving the AOV meaning. What...

Coping with unintended consequences

This weekend our neighbors cut down some large trees and bushes by our fence. That'll have a bunch of good consequences but one surprising negative one is the sun. Now the sun reflects off their house and blinds me in my office for a couple of hours each day. It's...

February is the troublemaker of the year

I'm happy with February ending today. February's a fine month for the most part but the whole 28 days really makes metric tracking difficult. If you held steady on everything for December, January, February, and March, you'd measure a 10% drop in February. Just due to it being 3 days...

Retaining the best customers requires defining what makes them the best

Some customers you want to lose. The always-returns customers. The "I want to talk to your manager" customers. The discount-required customers. The your-own-personal-hell ones. Customer retention isn't about trying to keep all customers though. It's about keeping the best customers for your Shopify store. The key is, you get to...

Make your customer loyalty easy to measure with RFM

When it comes to metrics, having a single value to track can make a lot of difference. If the metric is too confusing or difficult to find, there's a good chance you'll end up ignoring it. Loyalty can be measured in a lot of ways Calculating your customer loyalty is...

Don't damage customer loyalty before they even buy

Companies send really odd emails sometimes. Yesterday I got an email from a service I tried out two weeks ago. It's subscription-based and comes with a free account. This is second email I've received from the service. The first was a basic onboarding email two weeks ago. The most recent...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.