Shopify Dispatch Issue #228 - Casper's profit/loss, High-traffic content ideas

Casper's profit/loss per mattress

Kevin Hillstrom uses Casper's profit and loss to explain why acquiring customers from organic channels is vital for any store.

Analyze Competitors for High-traffic Content Ideas

Sometimes it's easiest to research your competitors content for ideas. Armando Roggio shows how to dig into competitor's SEO data to find topics and keywords you can take over.

Data-driven marketing advice

Don't just blindly try marketing tactic after marketing tactic, hoping that a random one will grow your revenue.

By analyzing your customers and orders, Repeat Customer Insights can help find which marketing tactics attract the best customers.

My articles this week

Why Open Graph tags don't help your Shopify SEO

How Shopify review apps make it easy or impossible to integrate with them

Eric Davis

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