Shopify Dispatch Issue #227 - Google Algorithm advice, Videos in email

Lessons from 20 Years of Google Algorithm Updates

Bill Sebald's advice about Google algorithm updates is solid and something every Shopify store needs to keep in mind when there are fluctuations.

How to create email marketing-friendly videos to boost your sales

Amir Shahzeidi writes about how to best use video in your email marketing.

Data-driven marketing advice

Don't just blindly try marketing tactic after marketing tactic, hoping that a random one will grow your revenue.

By analyzing your customers and orders, Repeat Customer Insights can help find which marketing tactics attract the best customers.

My articles this week

Give your metrics a gut check

A simple call to action might be all you need

It's time to shift into brand building

Untitled: how to make sure a minor coding mistake doesn't undermine your SEO

Eric Davis

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