Shopify Dispatch Issue #333 - Marketing measurements, Shopify SEO ranking

How to Measure Your Store's Marketing Results (Hands-on Tips)

Marijana Kay writes about measuring your store's marketing to make sure it was successful and to improve next campaign.

Why your Shopify product won't rank in Google (and what to do about it)

Kai Davis (no relation) explains how focusing on the right keyword in SEO will determine if you'll rank or not.

Learn which products build the best customers

Find which products create the most valuable customers with the First Product Analysis in Repeat Customer Insights. It goes beyond your best sellers by looking at the long-term purchasing behavior of your customers.

My articles this week

Monitoring how your Shopify store performs each year

So many Lifetime Values, so little clarities

Measuring how the products in the first order influence customer repurchases

Eric Davis

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