Shopify Dispatch Issue #411 - Merchandise productivity, Archiving Shopify products

Issue #411 - August 9th, 2023

It Does Make A Difference

Kevin Hillstrom calculates how slight improvements in merchandise productivity can lead to more long-term profit.

The bonus part about how to use email marketing to improve merchandise productivity is short and powerful.

Should I archive or delete Shopify products

Ilana Davis writes about the SEO problems with archiving or deleting products in Shopify.

Find patterns in customer behavior

You don't have to be in the dark when it comes to your customers. Using their existing behavior, Repeat Customer Insights shows you patterns and optimization potential for Shopify stores, leading to more and better repeat customers.

My articles this week

Prevent and recover defecting customers

Build customer loyalty one personal email at a time

Using customer grades to define valuable customer behavior

Using customer reviews to acquire new customers

Eric Davis

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