Shopify articles - Page 100

Capability for learning

On Sunday we taught our daughter a new card game. It's meant for older players but since it was a favorite game my wife and I played in the past, we wanted to see if she could pick it up. While it was difficult and took longer to play than...

SEO problems with using JavaScript-based redirects in Shopify

Whenever you move a page from one url to another, you should setup redirects so the old url still works. This is even more important when you switch domain names, as that's a chief cause of sudden SEO loss. Shopify has built-in URL redirects but sometimes developers will reach for...

Cohort Reports now include all historic customer purchasing behavior

When I first built the Cohort Report for Repeat Customer Insights, I was limited by the amount of data I could show. Due to Shopify's design for embedded apps, large pages would get chopped off and become messy. Since moving the app outside of Shopify's admin area, I've been able...

No way to ignore it, you have to send that email

If you want repeat customers, you have to email them. Sure some might come back on their own or when they see you on social media. But you'll have no control when that happens. Sending an email, even a simple one, will let you decide when you want customers to...

It's the end of May: time to work on your holiday SEO strategy

With May wrapping up next week, now is the time to be starting up your holiday SEO strategy. It seems far away right now, but since SEO can take awhile to get going you should always be looking out 5-6 months at a time. It's now about 6 months until...

During low trust times, work on your customer retention

With the low levels of consumer trust right now, one metric you should be watching is your repeat purchase rate. This is the time to focus on retaining as many customers as you can as you don't know if they'll ever come back otherwise. You can start with a simple...

Lack of visible growth in bad times could be hiding real, good growth

One thing to keep in mind, even if your store isn't showing positive growth doesn't mean it's not growing. If every other store is losing sales and market share like crazy but yours is holding steady or in a slight decline, that means your growth is holding back the losses...

When the first project fails, sow again

I sowed some lettuce seeds in our garden awhile ago but they still haven't come up. The temperature was good so it was probably a problem with a nearby tree or they got washed away in some heavy rains we've had. Yesterday I re-sowed more into a tray. That way...

Knock, knock, knockin' on that old fence

Last week we had a few warm days in Portland but they brought with them some high winds. High enough that they ripped out the old nails holding a a half-fence up in our side yard. The wood is old and the nails aren't the right type so the half-fence...

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Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.