Shopify articles - Page 31

The Goldilocks approach: how often to email your Shopify customers

One question that comes up when email marketing is how frequently should you be emailing your customers? The quick answer is: more than you are. The helpful answer is: as much as you can. The best answer is: as often as it's profitable. There's a wide range of sending frequencies...

Acquiring your first few orders in a new Shopify store

A long-time ago a subscriber asked how to get a new store started, business-wise. They had the Shopify setup handled but were trying to get their first orders. Here's my advice I gave them: 1. Personally I think social media marketing is a waste of time. It's so simple that...

New release: Customer Grading report

Repeat Customer Insights has included a customer grading algorithm for awhile now to help translate the complex RFM model into something easier to understand. Since it uses five segments, it's also useful for small Shopify stores who don't need or want a complex model. I've just released a new Customer...

Track customer behavior changes using RFM snapshots

With May drawing to a close, Repeat Customer Insights will soon be taking its monthly RFM history snapshot. These snapshots are a way to see the historic changes your customer base goes through. Are more customers becoming loyal? Are acquisition efforts paying off? How bad are defections? The snapshots integrate...

Don't underestimate the power of an automated email report

The really useful part about having Repeat Customer Insights email me the reports is that it makes it really easy to stay up on how the business is operating. For a couple of years now I've been using the weekly Monday Morning Metrics to monitor sales last week from new...

Leverage your customer insights to find hidden opportunities

Understanding your customers is a key to growing your Shopify business. Done correctly, you can convert customer data into information about their behavior and preferences. Then you can use that to better tailor your store and products to them, letting your customers help you succeed. Since there are innumerable different...

The importance of measuring your Shopify store's retention rate

Retention rate is crucial for the success of any Shopify store. Retention rate directly relates to customer loyalty and repeat purchases while also helping to keep acquisition costs down. Repeat Purchase Rate and Returning Customer Rate are two metrics that directly measure your customer retention. If you sell subscriptions, then...

Rules of thumb to measure your Shopify store performance

There are a lot of metrics Repeat Customer Insights calculates for you but it can become confusing to know if they are improving. Is increasing up good or bad? The app will automatically highlight problem areas but here's a few rules of thumb you can use. Average Latency You want...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.