Shopify articles - Page 57

Are holiday customers dormant or gone?

We have a side yard that's difficult to grow in. Last year I planted a variety of things and only two survived. The area gets lots of sun in late spring and summer but nothing in other seasons so many of the perennial plants struggle. It sucks to put things...

Breaking down customer acquisition sources for each cohort

Knowing where customers come from is important for customer analysis. When you know which sources create quality customers, you can shift more resources to them and away from low-quality sources. Repeat Customer Insights will now analyze and breakdown which acquisition sources lead to customers on a per-cohort basis. This will...

Gift options for your top-spending customers

Julie replied to my article about finding loyal, high-spending customers with a question: I'd love for you to do a follow up email explaining what to do with or for (gifts?) those high spenders in our store(s). What you use for gifts will depend on a lot. Your merchandise, margins,...

What you can do once you know your Average Orders per Customer

Once you calculate your Shopify store's average orders per customer, you have the data needed to answer a variety of questions. Should you design a loyalty program around 5 orders or 10 orders? When should bonus gifts be added to an order? Are customers only ordering a second or third...

Surprise shipping costs customers

Recently we decided to get rid of our old couch. Not wanting to chuck it into the trash, we looked at ways to recycle it. After a bit of searching we found one place that advertised $40 to recycle it. By the time we got through checkout that price ballooned...

Loyalty programs are not required for loyal customers

You're not required to have a loyalty program to have loyal customers. The programs are just one way to organize different incentives you offer to customers. Instead of different deals or coupons, the customer would typically earn points that they can use to buy an incentive they want. Customer loyalty...

Picking one and only one metric for customer analysis

I was thinking, if I had to pick one and only one metric to look at for customer analysis, I think I'd pick Recency. That's the first part of the RFM model and while I'd rather use the whole model, the Recency would be a good single metric. Recency tracks...

An easy way to start with your store analysis is to look at last week

One report in Repeat Customer Insights is highly recommended for new accounts. That's the Monday Morning Metrics. This report is emailed out every Monday to account subscribers (plus a web version you can review). It summarizes key metrics for your store over the last week. New order totals Number of...

Find out if your holiday customers stuck around

We're now a few months post-winter holiday. That's plenty of time to see if customers acquired back then end up becoming repeat customers or if they are stuck as new customers. It's common for holiday-acquired customers to buy and then disappear. It's rare for them to stick around and make...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.