Shopify Dispatch Issue #312 - Shopify Markets, Holiday ecommerce campaigns

Everything you need to sell worldwide: Introducing Shopify Markets

Shopify is releasing Shopify Markets to early access stores. This appears to be a dashboard, automatic settings, and some automation to make selling in multiple countries easier.

Just a reminder: Shopify is recommending automatic country redirects (Geolocation app) but Google recommends against those and they appear illegal in the EU so be careful what you enable. Make sure you know the legal and SEO impacts before going international.

Data on 437 of the Best Ecommerce Holiday Campaigns: 10 Strategies & 1,897 Examples with Downloadable Screenshots

Aaron Orendorff has documented and extensive collection of the holiday deals offered in 2020. This can be a huge source of inspiration for your own holiday offers this year.

Segment your customers to find the diamonds in the rough

Not all customers are equal but it can be difficult to dig through all of your Shopify data to find the best customers.

Repeat Customer Insights will automatically analyze your customers to find the best ones. With over 125 automatic segments, it gives your store the analytics power of the big box stores.

My articles this week

Take the profits from boring things and invest them into risky things

The two campaign email marketing strategy

Preparing for the transition to the winter season

Using patterns to find answers in data

Eric Davis

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