Shopify articles - Page 134

Which add to cart button color converts the best in Shopify?

Recently a Sticky customer emailed me about the add to cart button their theme uses: Do you have any info regarding which is the best color for the ADD TO CART? Or is just following the theme the best? The best converting colors are very dependent on the rest of...

The cheap and fast personalized touch

In one of my email courses about building repeat customers I mention sending handwritten notes to repeat customers to build some trust and loyalty. Brian sent me a reply to that email: Great idea for smaller Mom and Pops. However, it isn't scalable when you ship hundreds of orders a...

How three letters can halve your Shopify SEO impact

A customer sent me a question about domain names recently. What is the difference between [] and []? The results are slightly different. Google treats and as two different sites. The reasons for this is technical but a simple illustration should make it clear. Just looking at these...

Too busy doing busywork to work

Recently I published the 97th issue of Shopify Dispatch, a weekly curated newsletter of Shopify links. I also did something that I should have done 2 years ago. Up until yesterday I would go through all of the sources I use and pull out the article urls and titles by...

Is 11% of your Shopify traffic invisible to your store analytics?

Google Analytics is a great, free website analytics system. Shopify even has a built-in integration with them so you can get it working with very little effort. But if that's all you use for analytics, you could be missing out on a lot. 11% That's what Quantable found when it...

Reflections around canceling a successful product

Today I'd like to share a story about product lines and thinking strategic about them. A few months back I took a look at my collection of Shopify apps and noticed something. Since they were built, two of my apps have gotten close to each other in their features. Both...

Taking a risk with my best product

A couple of weeks ago I published a new version of JSON-LD for SEO's app store page using all of my copywriting skills I've gained over the years. While I'm very happy with the outcome, I'll tell you one thing... I was scary. That app is responsible for the majority...

Are your customers smelling the smoke and defecting?

There's been a large set of forest fires burning up here. Not close enough to threaten me or my family, but there is a lot of smoke, cloud cover, and ash. The sun's even taken on an orange/red appearance. Almost like the recent eclipse. One impact of the fires is...

Why consistency matters in your Shopify store

I was helping a Sticky customer tweak their add to cart button when they asked if they should use a different looking button for Sticky. Here's my response. No. Whatever color you use for your main button, you'd want to use for Sticky too. This gives the appearance of consistency...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.