Shopify articles - Page 51

Your repeat customers can become your store's safety net in lean times

What if your advertising costs per customer doubled next week and never went back down? Through no fault of your own, ads just became more costly to acquire a new customer. Some Shopify stores run so tight of advertising margins that they'd have to cut off their ads. Others might...

Measure customer loyalty to make better decisions

As I harvest veggies from the garden I weigh and keep track of them. It takes some extra work but the benefits are worth it. Measuring lets me use that data to decide what to keep growing, what to grow again, and what to ignore. For example, so far this...

Avoid marketing automation bugs in your email marketing

I've always subscribed to my own email lists. I do this to make sure the emails are sent out as they should. This is especially important when using any automation or behavioral emails. Of all of the things that can break emails, automation is the top one for going unnoticed....

Inflation might move up holiday shopping

While reviewing articles around ecommerce this week, one part of one caught my eye: Holiday Purchases Will Come Early We know that inflation will increase prices. Buying a gift for your loved one will be more expensive in December than in October. This will encourage two trends. First, if holiday...

Closing out another quarter of economic disruption

Today marks the end of the month, quarter, and the last day of the first half of 2022. Yesterday I created my wishlist of changes for Repeat Customer Insights for Q3. It feels like a lot right now but I'm surprised at how much can be accomplished in three months....

Detecting customer defection with Customer Purchase Latency

Though RFM can be used to detect customer defection, sometimes it's too slow to notice the change. In order for an RFM value to change it would require your customer to delay orders for long enough that they fall into the lower 40% of your customer base for Recency. That...

Make sure your customers want to be sent your email marketing

This morning I had a consultant send me an email newsletter about their latest blog post. Problem is, I unsubscribed from their list over four years ago after they sent multiple duplicate emails with pitches for their latest product. Reactivating my email account like that is illegal in the US...

The core pain your Shopify store solves for customers

I've been going through my market research for my app so I can work on the copywriting and plan out my Q3 and Q4 features. One part is boiling down how the app helps into a single core pain. It's the main problem that it solves for merchants. Your store...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.