Shopify articles - Page 53

From snow to sun

The recent weather's been pleasant so I've been starting to get the garden ready for spring. Planting plans made. Trellises built. Beds leveled. Etc, etc... Last year at this time the ground was covered with snow so my prep work was delayed for awhile. This year has been much more...

Find the loyal customers who spent the most in your Shopify store

With the release of the RFM score filters in Repeat Customer Insights, there's more ways you can segment your Shopify customers. One important segment are the loyal customers who have spent the most. Loyal is defined in the app as having recently purchased and have made many purchases. Nothing about...

New customer filters for RFM scores released

Repeat Customer Insights now has the ability to filter customers by their RFM scores. Previously the app would use the RFM scores behind-the-scenes but they weren't shown except in the data export. Great for spreadsheet users, but not great for stores who wanted to browse and explore their customers. I've...

A SEO world without keywords

Last week my head was in SEO-land as I was thinking through how a Shopify store was working on their SEO. It got me thinking. Keywords are such a large part of SEO but Google tries to downplay them and their usage. It's harder and harder to see what keywords...

Planning when to use harder sales messages in a campaign

Some marketing campaigns include an arc where each contact gradually moves the customer along a path. Welcome Campaigns use this heavily, along with email courses ("opt-in to learn 9 ways to make your widgets go bang"). In those it's usually clear when you should start selling harder. Usually near the...

The good iceberg that growing stores forget about

I usually recommend that you have a few experiments active at once. testing out a new channel to acquire customers testing out an idea in one of your existing channels testing out optimizations in your area of focus for the month/quarter/year All three are new ideas or new things. You're...

Monitoring how your Shopify store performs each year

Throughout the year you'll want to monitor specific store metrics based on what you're actively working on. For example, if you're trying to reduce returns then metrics around your return rate and return rate by sales channel would make sense. There are other, more general metrics you'll want to keep...

So many Lifetime Values, so little clarities

This week I was doing some research on how to calculate a customer's Lifetime Value (aka LTV, CLTV, CLV, CV, BBQ, LOL, TLA...) It seems that no one agrees on even a definition of what Lifetime Value is, let alone how to calculate it. For some people it's the sum...

Measuring how the products in the first order influence customer repurchases

A Repeat Customer Insights customer was asking about the First Product Analysis and the Repeat Purchase Rate: I'm trying to understand the first product analysis report a bit better. Is repeat purchase rate indicate the repeat purchase rate of that particular item or is it only correlated to any specific...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.