Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 3

Kurt Elster I ruthlessly unsubscribe from almost all newsletters. Eric’s one of a select few that I look actually forward to opening because it has proven itself consistently valuable for Shopify merchants.

Kurt Elster, Ecommerce Strategist, founder of Ethercycle, and a top Shopify Plus Expert.

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Shopify Dispatch is a weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce.

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #441 - Structured data benefits, Shopify Flow retry

Issue #441 - March 6th, 2024 Measuring the benefits of structured data Ilana Davis writes about the benefits of structured data for Shopify stores. Shopify Flow - Retry workflows Shopify's updated Flow so a workflow can now be retried. This should help investigate failures and develop new workflows. Get a...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #440 - Combined listings app, Cookie-proof marketing

Issue #440 - February 28th, 2024 Boost Conversion with the Shopify Combined Listings App Shopify Plus stores will soon have access to Shopify Combined Listings which will answer the question of whether you should use products or variants for your merchandise. It feels odd to require an app and limit...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #439 - Merchandise Residual Value, Improving SEO

Issue #439 - February 21st, 2024 MRV: Merchandise Residual Value Kevin Hillstrom created a metric called MRV to find products that are producing greater or lesser value in the long-term. It uses where in the lifecycle and a simple spend prediction. Making a good page perform better on Google Ilana...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #436 - Shifting power

Issue #436 - January 31st, 2024 A light week as Shopify seems to be holding back for its upcoming winter feature release. Moneyball Kevin Hillstorm writes about what happens as power shifts and why you need to be thinking about where you want your store to be in the upcoming...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #435 - Under-performing channels

Issue #435 - January 24th, 2024 What Are We Doing? Kevin Hillstrom writes about why your email marketing might not be generating the profit it deserves. Same can be said for any other channel that's under-performing. Product insights page removed from Analytics Shopify has removed the product insights report. They...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #434 - Shop Pay for all, Own your own event

Issue #434 - January 17th, 2024 Experience the Magic of Shop Pay Shopify is now offering Shop Pay to non-Shopify stores (mostly enterprise stores). If this is successful, it could mean more features developed into Shop Pay and that marketplace. Chili Bowl Kevin Hillstrom writes about why you want to...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #432 - Amazon tax

Issue #432 - January 3rd, 2024 $19.99 on Your Website, or $15.99 on Amazon? Same Product Kevin Hillstrom writes about the Amazon price tradeoff (the Amazon tax) some brands have to pay. Start noticing seasonal spikes in customer behavior Cohort reports let you detect seasonal spikes as well as long-term...

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