Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 3

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #447 - First-party data, AI in Google results

Issue #447 - April 17th, 2024 What is First-Party Data? A Complete Guide on Data Holly Stanley writes about first-party data and how to use it on Shopify's blog. Analyzing the first-party data that's automatically collected for you in Shopify is a big reason why I created Repeat Customer Insights....

Shopify Dispatch Issue #446 - Shopify SEO, Your own event

Issue #446 - April 10th, 2024 What's missing in Shopify SEO? Ilana Davis asks what's missing in Shopify SEO? From my experience, the gap is documentation. Shopify has a lot of SEO features but they were never documented or are buried in one of their several documentation sites (that get...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #445 - Site speed scores

Issue #445 - April 3rd, 2024 The problem with fussing over site speed Ilana Davis writes about how site speed scores can lead you astray and are easily manipulated. Get a complete view of your customer behavior The cohort analysis in Repeat Customer Insights will automatically build cohorts for all...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #444 - Create a marketing strategy

Issue #444 - March 27th, 2024 How to Create a Marketing Strategy: 7 Steps Michael Keenan writes a guide for to getting started with a marketing strategy. Planning is great but more often than not, long-term marketing plans have to dramatically change as you adapt to reality. Get a complete...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #443 - Content for people, The endless sale

Issue #443 - March 20th, 2024 Create content for people, optimize for bots Ilana Davis writes about Google's guideline to create content for people. For decades people have been trying to game search engines to manufacture content for rankings. From footer links to content spinning to now AI, people keep...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #441 - Structured data benefits, Shopify Flow retry

Issue #441 - March 6th, 2024 Measuring the benefits of structured data Ilana Davis writes about the benefits of structured data for Shopify stores. Shopify Flow - Retry workflows Shopify's updated Flow so a workflow can now be retried. This should help investigate failures and develop new workflows. Get a...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #440 - Combined listings app, Cookie-proof marketing

Issue #440 - February 28th, 2024 Boost Conversion with the Shopify Combined Listings App Shopify Plus stores will soon have access to Shopify Combined Listings which will answer the question of whether you should use products or variants for your merchandise. It feels odd to require an app and limit...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #439 - Merchandise Residual Value, Improving SEO

Issue #439 - February 21st, 2024 MRV: Merchandise Residual Value Kevin Hillstrom created a metric called MRV to find products that are producing greater or lesser value in the long-term. It uses where in the lifecycle and a simple spend prediction. Making a good page perform better on Google Ilana...

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