Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 4

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #436 - Shifting power

Issue #436 - January 31st, 2024 A light week as Shopify seems to be holding back for its upcoming winter feature release. Moneyball Kevin Hillstorm writes about what happens as power shifts and why you need to be thinking about where you want your store to be in the upcoming...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #435 - Under-performing channels

Issue #435 - January 24th, 2024 What Are We Doing? Kevin Hillstrom writes about why your email marketing might not be generating the profit it deserves. Same can be said for any other channel that's under-performing. Product insights page removed from Analytics Shopify has removed the product insights report. They...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #434 - Shop Pay for all, Own your own event

Issue #434 - January 17th, 2024 Experience the Magic of Shop Pay Shopify is now offering Shop Pay to non-Shopify stores (mostly enterprise stores). If this is successful, it could mean more features developed into Shop Pay and that marketplace. Chili Bowl Kevin Hillstrom writes about why you want to...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #432 - Amazon tax

Issue #432 - January 3rd, 2024 $19.99 on Your Website, or $15.99 on Amazon? Same Product Kevin Hillstrom writes about the Amazon price tradeoff (the Amazon tax) some brands have to pay. Start noticing seasonal spikes in customer behavior Cohort reports let you detect seasonal spikes as well as long-term...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #431 - SEO spiders, Ecommerce taxes

Issue #431 - December 27th, 2023 Have you ever watched a spider? Ilana Davis writes about SEO spiders and why worrying them might be a waste of time. Boxing Day Kevin Hillstrom writes about how ecommerce stores are paying "taxes" to everyone now. Google tax, attribution tax, influencer tax... Segment...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #430 - Merchandising, Find 404 pages

Issue #430 - December 20th, 2023 Happy holidays to everyone reading this. I hope your 2023 has been everything you hoped it would be. Just Like Sports Kevin Hillstrom compares sports teams and merchandising. The final part is one reason why you get lots of seemingly conflicting advice. Marketing/messaging is...

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