Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 5

Kurt Elster I ruthlessly unsubscribe from almost all newsletters. Eric’s one of a select few that I look actually forward to opening because it has proven itself consistently valuable for Shopify merchants.

Kurt Elster, Ecommerce Strategist, founder of Ethercycle, and a top Shopify Plus Expert.

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Shopify Dispatch is a weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce.

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #421 - eCommerce Expo 2023, Holiday shopper survey

Issue #421 - October 18th, 2023 eCommerce Expo Was AI-Heavy, but Ultimately About How We Keep Shopping Personal Deann Evans shares what they learned at the London eCommerce Expo 2023. 7 things you need to know about this year's holiday shoppers Shopify shares another survey they commissioned to research holiday...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #419 - Show compatible products, Filter products

Issue #419 - October 4th, 2023 Show compatible products to reduce customer service and returns Ilana Davis writes about how to remind and link to compatible products. More ways to filter products in admin Even though Shopify complicated them a lot recently, I've always liked the power metafields give you....

Shopify Dispatch Issue #418 - New one-page checkout, Traffic sources matter

Issue #418 - September 27th, 2023 The World's Best Checkout Just Got Better: Fast, Intuitive and All on One Page Xuya Wang writes about Shopify's new one-page checkout which is rolling out in October. How Traffic Sources Impact Online Sales Armando Roggio shows why it's important for every store to...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #417 - Mismanaged stores, 3D product images

Issue #417 - September 20th, 2023 Clown Show Kevin Hillstrom has a list of ways to tell if an ecommerce store is mismanaged. Elevate Your Product Catalog with Shopify's new 3D Scanner on iOS Justin Ianni writes about how the updated Shop app can work with an iPhone to create...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #416 - Whale customers, Holiday season prep

Issue #416 - September 13th, 2023 How To Rethink Your Customer Segmentation Efforts To Be More Profitable Courtney Goudswaard writes about how to use customer segmentation to target your best customers (the whales). 7 tips when preparing for the holiday season With many stores preparing for the holiday selling season,...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #415 - Amazon Prime app, Back-in-stock

Issue #415 - September 6th, 2023 Shopify merchants can soon choose to offer Buy with Prime directly within their Shopify Checkout Amazon will be releasing a Shopify app to allow customers to checkout on your store and having payment and fufillment processed by Amazon. Why back-in-stock apps may not be...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #414 - Business entropy, Flow inventory triggers

Issue #414 - August 30th, 2023 My Couch Kevin Hillstrom writes about how businesses decay over-time unless they are being improved. Shopify Flow - New triggers for product variant back in stock and out of stock Shopify Flow's added new trigger for variants coming in/out-of-stock. These are valuable triggers if...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #413 - Shopify Collective, Create an event

Issue #413 - August 23rd, 2023 Introducing Shopify Collective Shopify's released Shopify Collective as a way for retailers and dropshippers to connect. It could be interesting both as a way to get a new product into more stores or as a way to fill out your store's catalog. Standard drop-shipping...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #412 - Organic traffic

Issue #412 - August 16th, 2023 Organic Percentage Post #1,149 Kevin Hillstrom writes about how much more of your sales and traffic are organic but are often mis-attributed. Leaky funnel losing repeat customers? Are you struggling to grow your repeat purchases? Install Repeat Customer Insights to equip your store with...

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Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.