Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 42

Kurt Elster I ruthlessly unsubscribe from almost all newsletters. Eric’s one of a select few that I look actually forward to opening because it has proven itself consistently valuable for Shopify merchants.

Kurt Elster, Ecommerce Strategist, founder of Ethercycle, and a top Shopify Plus Expert.

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Shopify Dispatch is a weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce.

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #51 - Multichannel 101, Pricing strategies

Multichannel 101: Bringing Order to the Chaos of Managing all the Channels Once you start growing your channels, you'll need to start looking into Order Management Systems in order to keep everything in sync. This article by Sangram Kadam gives a good introduction to how those systems work together. 5...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #50 - RFM analysis, Winback campaigns

Digging into RFM segmenting in Shopify Segmenting your customers using RFM is a great way to find your VIP customers. Unlike other segmenting methods, RFM use three key pieces of data to improve your results. How to monetize dormant customers with a successful winback campaign Over time you'll lose customers...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #49 - Product pricing, Customer research

Why finding the product pricing sweet spot is about more than math As much as we'd like pricing to have a single magic formula, it's still very subjective. This can be a good thing though. By not having only one price we have room to maneuver and can try out...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #48 - Copywriting, Customer segments

How to Write Copy That Converts Writing sales copy for your store is just as important as any design decision. William Harris has seven tips and 3rd party resources on how to write copy that converts. The segment of customers who just can't get enough Segmenting your customers before you...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #47 - Cart abandonment, Customer Segmenting

How to Maximize Sales with a Successful Cart Abandonment Email Strategy Adding even a simple cart abandonment email to most stores will improve your revenue, almost immediately. Shopify shares some cart abandonment campaigns but even a simple plain text one that goes out after 6 hours is a huge improvement...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #46 - Ecommerce success, Marketing your Shopify app

What's the most important factor to the success of an e-commerce business? FE International collected responses from dozens of ecommerce experts who all answered the question: What's the most important factor to the success of an e-commerce business?. Marketing Your Shopify App: The Details We Overlook I tell my clients...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #45 - Speed up Shopify, Build your first app

Speed Up Your Shopify Store Once you get a decent amount of traffic, speeding up your Shopify store should boost your conversion rate. Even simple things like optimizing images can have a dramatic effect on your store's performance. How to Build Your First Shopify App If you've wanted to build...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #44 - Repeat metrics, Email marketing

3 Key Metrics for Repeat Customers Once you have customers buying from your store, it can be confusing to decide what to do next to keep them loyal. The best way to decide is to use data to guide your thinking. In this article, you'll learn what metrics to watch...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #43 - Conversion rate optimization, Twitter

The Beginner's Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization Once your store grow reaches a critical mass, you'll want to grow revenue by focusing on conversion optimization (CRO). While there's a huge body of knowledge around it, you can get started with a simple guide like this one from Shopify. The Small...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #42 - Increasing CLTV, Subscriptions

5 Tips for Increasing Customer Lifetime Value on your Shopify Store There are many ways to increase the customer lifetime value of your store but they come back to #2 on this list: Build relationships. The store/customer relationship is the foundation for any future business and a strong one will...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.