Shopify articles - Page 20

Compare your Average Order Value across different acquisition channels

You can use your Average Order Value to check for acquisition performance. Say customers acquired via your Shopify Online Store have an AOV of $100, Facebook Ads $95, and Amazon $75. That makes it really easy to compare the channels e.g. compare their costs vs value. If you also measure...

Don't judge advice by its size

I recently finished a 500 page book and felt very meh about it. It wasn't bad book. It was rather entertaining at times, but the reason I read it was to learn about business and marketing. Of those it only had a couple of good ideas. Ones could have easily...

Focus marketing to your customers who spend the most

If your resources are limited, there are two types of customers you should be targeting with your marketing and advertising: Customers who are most likely to come back and buy again Customers who spent the most per-order The first one is part of customer segmenting and customer loyalty. The second...

Complications with using Average Lifetime Value calculations

Stores use their Average Lifetime Value to figure out how much each customer is "worth" to them. Ignoring all the variety of ways it's calculated, it can still lead you a bit astray. The problem with Lifetime Value calculations is that they require a customer's full lifetime to be accurate....

Measure customer loyalty with Average Orders per Customer

An often missed metric for Shopify stores is the Average Orders per Customer. It's a simple to understand metric: about how many orders does a customer place over their lifetime? If you have an Average Orders per Customer of one, that means none of your customers buy a second time....

Cohort Insights released: automatically detect poor cohort performance

I'm happy to be able to release the latest feature for Repeat Customer Insights: Cohort Insights With Cohort Insights, your cohort data is automatically analyzed and compared against 17 different checks to evaluate how each and every cohort performs. This means you'll be able to see drops in performance automatically...

Use both historic and recent data for decisions

It's that time of the year to start getting the garden ready. A big part is figuring out when its safe to plant outside in spring. If it's too cold, the plants will weaken or die. Wait to long and they miss out on early growth. Many companies have created...

Focus on your best Shopify channels to attract better customers

An easy way to find your best sales channels in Shopify is to compare their performance against your average performance. It sounds simple but Shopify's reports don't go into much detail. You can compare sales, net sales, and the like but none of the averaging metrics. It doesn't even show...

Use the leap year to your advantage

Leap years are rare enough that you can consider them an every four year occurrence (at least until 2100). That makes them a good candidate for a "once every four year" promotion. If you can't get one ready for this year, try to take notes on what others are sending...

Build a break-glass marketing campaign for downturns

Sometimes you just don't have the time or energy to build a marketing campaign. For those times, you'll want to have a break-glass campaign prepared. A break-glass campaign is a type of marketing campaign that you can run almost anytime. It's created when you have time and then saved for...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.