Shopify articles - Page 62

'Twas the night before Christmas - 2021

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the site, Not a campaign left unsent, finally nothing left to write; The promotions and sales all done, Shipments showing delivered for everyone... Merry Christmas and happy winter holidays from me to you. Eric Davis Would you like to get a daily...

Use last-minute gift cards to attract new and returning customers

Yesterday we ordered a game from Apple for a family member. The process was pretty straightforward, just a couple of taps and a payment confirmation. With only a bit left in the holiday season, now's the time to be sending any gift card promotions you have (or create a quick...

What repeat customer metrics to compare at year-end

Going into the end of the year you'll want to compare a few metrics to last year and the year before to see how things have changed. Total sales Average Over Value - good if it stays consistent or has gone up. Great if that happens while total sales have...

Show your gratitude to your best customers before the year ends

With the holiday season wrapping up, have you contacted your best customers with a non-marketing email yet? Something that thanks them for being a customer, offers them something entertaining (e.g. joke or story), or something other than a direct call to buy from you. Even though everyone is flooded with...

With shipping deadlines nearing, your 2021 is almost over

As the holiday shipping deadlines close over the next few days, you're bound to see a decrease in the number of shipped orders. Your retail or pick-up orders have a bit longer to go depending on how long you stay open. That means you're close to the end of the...

Observe, measure, and test your way to better results

Last year I had problems with squirrels digging up and eating most of my fava beans. This year, upwards of 10x more fava beans are growing with no squirrel trouble. What changed? I tested a new process. Last year I planted most of the beans while the squirrels were digging...

Big orders are a distraction from long-term Shopify store success

One thing the RFM analysis will teach you is that the biggest spenders aren't always the best customers. How recently and frequently a customer buys are more important. Big spenders are nice when they buy but if they are only one-time customers you won't get much long-term benefit from them....

One more weekend

With only one more weekend and 10 weekdays left before Christmas, now's the time to be using any last-minute promotion ideas you have. A solid last minute promotion idea is the "buy a gift card as a gift, get one for yourself". Done right, these can sell all the way...

Tiny tip: use UTM codes for attribution

Today's tiny tip is to get familiar with Google's UTM codes. They sound technical but really are just a set of standardized text you can add to a url to make it easier to track where your customers are coming from and going to. Most of the time you'll create...

Missing shipping expectations causing customer defection

Near the end of last month I ordered something from a Shopify store. It shipped with a 5-7 business day delivery but was stuck in the "label created, waiting on package" for a week. The store marked it shipped in Shopify a week before their carrier received it. It's now...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.