Shopify articles - Page 69

Learning something new as a way to boost your Shopify store's ROI

This week I finished saving seeds from my first batch of tomatoes. We've had a bunch of the fruits and love the taste and how productive the plants have been. All qualities I look for in a tomato. The seeds came from tomatoes that were overripe, had soft spots, or...

How customer behavior in one sales channel can impact your other channels

Where a customer first buys matters a lot. If a customer buys in-store while you were running a closeout sale, that's different than if they bought online during the same sale. The sale probably attracted both customers, one to walk-in and one to click. The in-person customer would had have...

Start smaller projects instead

We were planning to finish our basement this winter and spring. It's a significant space in our house and would be a great office for me. But there are only a limited number of contractors accepting projects and the prices are high right now. Too high to make it worth...

Reactivate your old customers for an easy and profitable boost

I've been going through my notes on books I've read and saved this gem from Personal MBA: Reactivating old customers is one of the easiest and most profitable marketing activities you have. In ecommerce these are called defected customers, they are the people who haven't ordered for awhile. They are...

How Average Latency is underused by Shopify stores

Recently I added the Average Latency metric to Repeat Customer Insights. Latency is the time between events for a customer, specially purchases. For example, if Sally placed two orders 10 days apart then their Latency would be 10 days. The app has always reported on the Average Latency in the...

Full store backups in Shopify

Matt emailed asking about Shopify backups after having a bad experience with apps editing image urls: I'd like to know how to make a full back up of my entire Shopify store in case it breaks and I need to reinstall everything. Except for the theme backup, Shopify doesn't really...

Take care of deferred maintenance before the busy season

I've been wheelbarrowing loads of wood chips to our garden. On the first trip I noticed the wheelbarrow bouncing around oddly and being difficult to steer. I checked the tire and it wasn't punctured but there was almost no air in it. Five minutes and a bike pump later, it...

Spotting and taking advantage of opportunities

Yesterday I had a massive truck load of wood chips delivered (about 17 cubic yards). I only need a one or two cubic yards right now but I will use it all in the next 6-9 months. But since we live close to a school, it would be impossible to...

Incentives to increase order sizes when your inventory is limited

Mary Lou emailed asking: I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here, but I sell vintage products and nearly all have an inventory of only 1. Once it sells, it's gone. I've been trying to think about how I could create an up sell or cross sell or bundle and...

Not rushing the results can create a better outcome

A couple of weeks ago I cut and harvested a couple hundred chickpea plants. After a few of hours work, I had about half of them out of their pods and harvested but it was slow work. I boxed up the rest of them, set them aside, and came back...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.