Last week I was talking with a business owner friend who was struggling with their product mix. They sell two products, an entry-level and a more premium product. The premium product is multiple time more expensive but the entry-level one was selling better. But something wasn't right and they were...
As a rule of thumb, you should be contacting a customer at least once every 30 days. The best method is an email newsletter but you can also (physical) mail them or call them. Less than that and they'll start to forget about you. Especially if you're in an industry...
As Portland starts to head into some record temperatures and dry weather for April, I've had to start watering plants early. I figured I had another few weeks before watering became an issue (we're still a week out from our 10% last frost date). Since I check on the garden...
Email marketing is one of the top drivers of repeat purchases but many stores send out emails that miss the mark. Here's a quick checklist you can run through while creating each email. Included content that increases the reader's trust Included content that is educational or entertaining Included a call...
Yesterday I came home to a flat yellow bubble pack sitting by my front door. Opening it, what was supposed to be a box of bandages was instead flattened pieces of cardboard with bandages inside. "Sterile" bandages that you would put on a wound. Stuff that, you know, might want...
When you're looking for growth in your Shopify store, be specific about what kind of growth. Adding 1,000s of products that don't sell is growth, but it's just costing you resources. Most of the time sales or profit is what you mean by growth but it doesn't have to be....
Every time I release or update my Shopify apps, a suite of tests runs on my computer and on a testing server. I do that to make sure nothing breaks, but there's a side benefit too. That means I get 5-10 minutes of spare time each release, which can happen...
Another homepage copy tip for Shopify stores. If you're showing your newest/latest products as a collection list on the homepage, remove it. Most new products are unproven with unproven conversions. By showing them on the homepage you're stealing attention from your best products. If you still want to highlight new...
We're members in a local store's loyalty program. They sent out an email last week, it was short but it thanked us for supporting them during the pandemic and gave us a small coupon. Nothing groundbreaking or innovative. Just a reason for the email and a simple loyal customer offer....
Free samples are a great way to create interest for products your current customers are unfamiliar with. It could even be a different variant. A new flavor, different color, different material, etc. One thing I rarely see stores doing is to send unsolicited samples to customers. Instead of just talking...