Shopify articles - Page 90

Deciding on which strategy to use when the economy shifts

Kevin Hillstrom has written a short strategy-level retrospective on what the different business responses he's seen to the recent economic changes. "The Great Experiment" It's interesting in that it matches my own advice on the subject but with some additional perspectives. Using his wording, my own strategy is the "wait...

First Product Analysis: find which products create better customers

For years I've been wanting to add product analysis to Repeat Customer Insights. There are a lot of great behavioral data you can get from orders, but products have their own great data points especially around initial customer behavior (i.e. what causes the first purchase). I'm happy to announce that...

SEO for Shopify and ecommerce VS non-ecommerce SEO

A JSON-LD for SEO customer asked: In your experience, do you think e-commerce SEO is a bit different than non e-commerce SEO? At the core, SEO for ecommerce is the same as any other website at least on the tactical level (the what you do). On a higher, strategy-level there...

The slow simmer SEO

I've been slacking on my own SEO. With the kiddo home, the stuff happening in the world, and the new projects I'm working on for my apps, time has definitely become a premium resource. Which means it's been a few months since I've looked at or actively worked on my...

A/B tests are a great safety net when you can use them

I've been working on a new design for Repeat Customer Insight's pricing page. It's been functional and describes what each level of account receives, but it was designed a long-time ago when the app had fewer features and only needed a paragraph or two. Now that the app has matured...

Start planning for the 2020 holidays

I'm starting to hear rumors of some Shopify brands getting ready for the winter holiday season. Some are finishing redesigns and laying conversion improvements. Perhaps you're one of them, but even if you're not it's probably a good idea to start thinking about your overall strategy. When will you start...

Squawk, squawk, squawk marketing

Having put out a bird feeder a couple of months ago, we've started to see and hear a lot of wonderful birds... and a pair of annoying ones. There's a family of jays, two adults and two teens. The adults are fine but the teens are exactly how you'd expect...

How Google crawling your Shopify store will adjust your rankings

A JSON-LD for SEO customer was asking about Google sees and re-ranks their Shopify store based on what's changed: And my question is... Google goes through the pages from time to time, and takes into account the changes made by improving or worsening the ranking of the pages in the...

Finding patience in the two-week data import

I've been working on a new feature for Repeat Customer Insights over the past couple of months. I'm not ready to announce it yet, I hate when companies talk about things that never get released, but the process has illustrated a few things. The first of which is the importance...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.