Shopify articles - Page 22

Start your customer behavior analysis before the holiday season

With July ending today, summer (or winter) is starting to wind down. That leaves less than four more months until Black Friday and the holiday buying season. Plenty of time for mid-sized projects or to build up marketing campaigns. The first step should be to perform a customer behavior analysis...

Use social proof to retain repeat customers

Social proof is commonly used during conversion rate optimization. It involves adding quotes or reviews from other customers or recognizable people to the product page. Social proof can also be used to improve customer loyalty. First you'll need to collect a lot of reviews and quotes. You want reviews of...

Continuously improve your Shopify store, whenever you can

The garden has been struggling this year. I'm not sure if it's from: the weather my skills the soil Regardless of the cause, there's not much I can do in the short-term. Weather is uncontrollable. I can learn and practice new skills, but that's a long-term improvement. Improving the soil...

Use a regular schedule to stay ahead of problems

This year I've been having to do a lot more weeding than usual. Over the past two years weed seeds have blown in and settled on top of our wood chip mulch. The mulch stops weeds from growing up from the soil, but it can't do anything to weeds that...

Let your customer segmenting system do the hard work

I was reading an article by Shopify about using email marketing, lifecycle automation, and RFM. There's a lot of good information in it except they slightly missed the mark with RFM: Recency is the number of days since a subscriber’s or customer’s last purchase. An R0 purchased today. An R365...

Analyze customer cohorts by their running totals

An interesting way to view cohorts is to look at their running totals or what I call the cumulative values. That's where the previous month's values are carried over to the next. e.g. $100,000 spent in month 1, $150,000 by month 2. Using the cumulative values is a great way...

Order sequencing for a unique view of your repeat customer behavior

The Order Sequencing Analysis is a report unique to Repeat Customer Insights. It shows a view of your customer data you've probably never seen before, but it can be confusing to look at the first time. The goal of this report is to show you how your customer's behavior changes...

Big Data and AI... itty bitty living space

Whenever I hear about Big Data and AI I think of Robin Williams. Phenomenal cosmic power... Itty bitty living space Jokes aside, the hard thing with Big Data, AI, and all the other buzzwords is that you have to have a PhD in order to understand it. Even then, some...

Use free gifts to retain loyal customers

One thing you can do to keep your most loyal customers around is to send them a free gift unannounced. Done right, it can be a surprise that they remark about for a long-time afterward. You'll want to check a few things before you send it: Send it shortly after...

Why you need to save historic metrics

The reason to collect and analyze metrics is to help make a decision. No decision, no point in collecting metrics. Sometimes you'll want to collect metrics ahead of time though. That way when you're ready to make a decision, you have enough historical data to support you. That's why every...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.