Shopify articles - Page 28

Track running totals for cohorts using a cumulative rollup calculation

Alfons was asking about how the cumulative cohort option in Repeat Customer Insights works. When you enable Include Previous Months (cumulative), each column adds the ones from the left so there's a running total. For example, lets use the regular cohort analysis. If you look on the row 2022-01, when...

Compare your cohort analysis to find customer behavior changes

One of the great benefits of a cohort analysis is that you can compare how time changes customer behavior. When cohorts are month-based, like in Repeat Customer Insights, you can compare the vertical columns to see how customers behave after e.g. 1 month, 2 months, 6 months. That'll let you...

Analyze your Shopify order data to optimize your email campaign schedule

Scheduling your marketing campaigns can take a lot of guesswork. You want to have customers come back and buy as soon as possible, but you don't want to piss them off and have them leave forever. You also might have entertaining or educational content that isn't hard pitches, but that's...

Customer retention in Shopify is tough

Customer retention can be a tricky problem with Shopify stores. Most stores don't have subscriptions or subscriptions aren't their main transaction type. That means each order has the potential to be the last order from that customer and you won't know until it's too late. You never really know if...

Pair customer segmentation with advice

Segmenting customers into different groups is valuable but it's often easy to go a bit crazy. I'm not talking Mad-Hatter silly-crazy. More pull-out-your-hair-and-scream-crazy. When it comes to customer segmentation you want to keep it understandable. You can use a lot of algorithms or AI but at the end of the...

Improve your cohort analysis by using percentages

A well-done cohort analysis should make it easy to compare how a cohort is performs compared to other cohorts. Some cohort analyses will tell you the raw numbers (1,000 customers, $1,984,000 sold, etc) which is helpful to see the size of the cohort as a whole. Raw numbers only will...

The compounding advantage of Repeat Purchase Rate

Optimizing your customer analytics for repeat customers can have some surprising results. When you're acquiring new customers, a 10% boost in traffic should add around 10% to your revenue. It's linear. Improve your repeat customer metrics like the Repeat Purchase Rate by 10% and you'll often see much more than...

Easily find any of my articles on a specific topic

Following the redesign of my website, I'm now able to take advantage of my programming knowledge to add new features. One feature that I've finally finished is my Topic list. This page lists all of the various topics I write about and has pages that link to each relevant article....

Understand the 3D RFM model by looking at it as a 2D Customer Grid

RFM being a three-component model makes it difficult to picture how it works. If you can visualize a 3D cube in your head, that's how RFM represents your entire customer base. But each individual customer would be a 3D point inside that cube, making it hard to visualize. Instead of...

Returning Customer Rate now measured by Repeat Customer Insights automatically

Repeat Customer Insights has a new metric being tracked now. Returning Customer Rate: Percentage of customers who have placed their second or later order in this time period, with their first order placed anytime. This metric was a bit controversial. In the majority of the industry, Returning Customer Rate and...

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Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.