This week I've been working on updating the Shopify app pages for JSON-LD for SEO and Repeat Customer Insights. Shopify limits just about every field on there so I have to be brief and don't have the space to both explain what the apps do and answer frequent questions. On...
Yesterday I wrote about how I've had some failures with some seedlings. I think the root problem is that the soil mix I'm using is holding onto too much water and keeping really dense. Sometimes you want that but here in Portland, our winters and springs are very wet so...
Today marks the start of the spring planting for early vegetables in Portland. Plants that can take a bit of cold and wet still. But that's not a hard and fast date. Each plant has different needs and the weather is never perfect. That's why I already have 524 seedlings...
A Repeat Customer Insights customer was asking how the app creates the 2-D customer grid and the customer segments. The app uses RFM to score each customer from 1 to 5 across three different criteria: Recency, Frequency, and Monetary. The Customer Grid takes two of each of those criteria and...
A Repeat Customer Insights customer was asking if it was possible to find the percentage of customers who purchase for a second time within four months. The Cohort report lists various metrics for the customers who first buy in a given month (their cohort month). It also tracks their behavior...
One problem watch for with your repeat purchases is the average order value (AOV) dropping on repeat purchases. For the most part your AOV should be holding steady or increasing as specific customers buy again and again. If it's dropping, that's a sign of a potential problem that you'll want...
I've been tweaking a few things to improve my email marketing and opt-ins. That includes trying different formats of opt-in forms and how they are displayed. The first test had about half the opt-ins of the control (statistically significant) but the second test I'm running is now showing 50% higher...
Repeat Customer Insights now has details for each customer Cohort. Previously it would report on all of your cohorts across one dimension of metrics (number of customers, revenue, or AOV). While this is great for finding time-based trends like seasonality or responses to campaigns, it wasn't great for see how...
But will you do it? That's a question a lot of people miss when they go looking for marketing ideas. Yes advertising can work, but will you do it? Yes social media marketing can work, but will you do it? Yes an advertising based content marketing system that uses retargeting...
I've been wanting to snack on veggies more often so I ordered 25 pounds of carrots. (Sounds like the setup for a joke right?) The problem was that they still needed too much prep work to snack on them (washing, trimming, cutting, etc). Not hard, just enough friction to divert...