Shopify articles - Page 97

Spending resources on the areas that matter the most to customers

Repeat Customer Insights has had a lot of features and reports added over the years. Enough that different customers use different reports for different purposes. That's caused me to start thinking about how to better understand which reports contribute the most value to customers. Once I know that, I can...

Promote the winners, closeout the duds

Some of your products are great. They make you money and keep customers coming back for more. Other products... not so much. Knowing which products are which is vital. If you promote the duds, your Shopify store could be in financial trouble. But if you promote the winners, things will...

How rushing to quick results ended up making things worse

Last week I started digging out of a large planting strip in the front of our house. It was full of crushed stone but had enough soil in there that caused a jungle of weeds to start to take hold. I wanted to deal with it before they got out...

Staying loyal to a store though the hard times

We have a local game store in the neighborhood. The owners are friendly, there are constantly people there playing games, and they do quite a bit with the local kids and community. Overall a great company who treats their customers well. About five months ago a new game came out...

Three marketing campaigns every Shopify store should be running

It's best to have at least three marketing campaigns to attract and keep customers. You can use many different tactics or mixes of them: email marketing, social media, ads, etc. The important thing is to make sure you're tracking their performance and change or cut out tactics that under-perform. Customer...

How RFM scores customer behavior from 1 to 5

A customer was asking about how the RFM scoring in Repeat Customer Insights works: How are your coming up with your recency, frequency, and monetary scores of 1-5? How RFM scores the three components All three of the RFM scores are based on five groups of 20% of your customer...

Who is responsible for the structured data in your Shopify store?

Yesterday I was looking at my support metrics and saw that 42% of my support conversations for JSON-LD for SEO were problems in another app's or the theme's structured data. While it's not the fault of my app, I do know enough about how structured data works that I'll still...

Blogging for traffic on multiple Shopify stores

A JSON-LD for SEO customer emailed about blogging on Shopify: I have two Shopify sites [for international sales] (planning on getting more too). How would the Shopify Blog handle this - or best to choose one (say .com) and go from there? Unless there's a major difference in the types...

Check your Shopify theme for SEO-harming duplicate title tags

I've been noticing a lot more Shopify stores have invalid title and description tags. These are what Google uses for your search results and have a major factor in ranking, conversions, and customer trust building. But now I'm seeing multiple stores per week with duplicate title and description tags, often...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.