Shopify articles - Page 97

Have something on deck and ready to go

One thing I learned this weekend was to always have an inventory of plants started for the garden. That way when something is done and pulled out (or eaten by slugs), I can fill the open space. More production. Less weeds. Nicer looking garden. Totally worth the extra minutes of...

Avoid the risks that come with a Shopify store redesign

Another strategy change during a recession is to stop big rebrands and big redesigns. They have their places, but many times big changes will cause drops across the board until the new stuff has been re-optimized (unless the post-launch optimization is skipped). In their place it's safer and easier to...

Time to get out your recession playbook

Now that the US is officially in a recession as of February and other nations are or are close to it themselves, it's time to open up your recession playbook. Recent events have hinted at what was going on and many stores have already started to shift their strategies. Hopefully...

Tiny tip: go through your checkout and find what blocking your sales

Today's tiny tip is a simple one, but it could find some major improvements in your Shopify store. That's to go through your checkout process. Add an item to your cart, start checkout, enter your address, pay, and end up on the order confirmation page. This is the critical path...

The new Shopify store marketing plan

Recently I was asked how a new Shopify store should get started with their marketing. They were considering SEO and Google Ads but ran into problems with both and wasn't sure where to start. Roughly I'd recommend getting your analytics, structured data, and Rich Results started first and then then...

Capability for learning

On Sunday we taught our daughter a new card game. It's meant for older players but since it was a favorite game my wife and I played in the past, we wanted to see if she could pick it up. While it was difficult and took longer to play than...

SEO problems with using JavaScript-based redirects in Shopify

Whenever you move a page from one url to another, you should setup redirects so the old url still works. This is even more important when you switch domain names, as that's a chief cause of sudden SEO loss. Shopify has built-in URL redirects but sometimes developers will reach for...

Cohort Reports now include all historic customer purchasing behavior

When I first built the Cohort Report for Repeat Customer Insights, I was limited by the amount of data I could show. Due to Shopify's design for embedded apps, large pages would get chopped off and become messy. Since moving the app outside of Shopify's admin area, I've been able...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.