Shopify articles - Page 79

Free shipping causing funky buyer behavior

Due to squirrels who keep digging up seeds, I decided to get another seed starting tray so I can plant baby plants instead of seeds. The one I like is a commercial variety so there's only one or two vendors who sell it by the unit. Otherwise I have to...

The smell of unexpected windfalls

Last week I wrote about our latest pile of wood chips and how it was an unexpected windfall for us and the neighbors. Well it was even better than I thought. Easily half the pile is turning out to be fresh pine wood chips and needles. The best types to...

Keep your key Shopify performance indicators easy to find

I was working with a friend on a metrics dashboard for his business. He wanted to have a better idea about a handful of key indicators he was watching. They measured how well his next two weeks would be and then overall how his business has been doing so far....

Which part of the chicken does the nugget come from?

Every other week I get an email newsletter from my kid's school. For the most part it's typical boring information dispersion. Every now and then though, a bit of creative genius shines through like this: Nutrition Services is Hiring! Are you, or someone you know, looking for job in the...

When your breadcrumbs lead poor Hansel right into the witch's oven

Last week I encountered a store who was using another SEO app that added Breadcrumb structured data. Incorrectly. You might have heard JSON-LD for SEO doesn't include Breadcrumb structured data because it's not possible to automatically create it correctly for every theme. Here's the danger of bad automatic breadcrumb data...

When the dryer strikes back

Living in rainy Portland I've gotten used to the wet weather. It doesn't bother me anymore as long as it's not a surprise. But there are two things that do bother me when it's wet out. Wet socks. (No further comment needed) Those times when you wash and dry a...

When a surprise abundance gets dumped in your yard

Yesterday we got a huge load of wood chips dropped off at our house for free. So much that we're only going to be able to use about half. (Unless I decide to a make a wood chip fort in the front yard) But two of our neighbors have been...

Today's Tiny Task: click, click, clicking your click depth

No one enjoys clicking a dozen times to find what they are looking for. That's why Google's algorithm takes a page's click depth into account. Click depth is how many clicks deep a page is from your homepage. Say you have a product page. A click depth of 1 means...

The Shopify SEO apps I recommend (fewer than you'd think)

Recently a JSON-LD for SEO customer was asking what other SEO apps I recommend. You can use other Shopify SEO apps but I recommend sticking with Shopify's built-in SEO features. Years ago Shopify's built-in SEO features were weak and themes didn't do a great job either. That period had Shopify...

The Low-Energy list

Last week I caught the cold. It started over the weekend, continued through the week, and finally started wrapping up the next weekend. It's safe to say that I didn't make major progress towards my 2020 goals for Repeat Customer Insights or JSON-LD for SEO. But I still made some...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.