We had a large rain system pass through recently. Not flooding levels of rain but enough that the weather service sent out alerts about it. Probably the most rain we've had here since moving in. I was anxious to see how the yard changes did as we added a lot...
With 2020 all wrapped up, now is a good time to analyze how the year went. There's a bunch you can look at to evaluate the year but I'd recommend installing Repeat Customer Insights to help crunch the data and draw out some advice. Some really important areas to look...
With the year now over, it's a good time to evaluate how you did. Take some time this week to pull all of last year's data and analyze it: what traffic sources and campaigns brought the most customers? what was the most successful campaigns? how many orders did you receive?...
I mentioned yesterday about how the new year brings with it a clean slate. There's a whole bunch of advice around what to analyze for last year. I'll get into some of it later. But for now, what's your gut reaction telling you about last year? Try to ignore the...
Last day of the year. While not much will change in reality, there's a perception of a clean slate starting tomorrow. But today still matters. Even if your store isn't open today, customers can still shop around, place orders, or recommend your product to their friends. And there's always something...
I recently saw that a local tea store moved to Shopify. It's more of a come in and drink tea shop but they do sell some bulk teas and teaware so a Shopify store can be nice supplement. Funnily, they had a bootstrapper-ese approach to discounting. In their footer, where...
Recently I upgraded some software that monitors my shopify app servers. It's a critical piece of software but it's so stable that I haven't had to mess with it in well over a year. But they happened to send me an email listing some new changes and I noticed four...
To all those who are celebrating Christmas today, Merry Christmas. Don't forget about the other winter holidays still going on. Christmas might get the most attention but it isn't the only holiday in town, There's a good chance you have customers who still will be celebrating other holidays, some through...
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the warehouse, Not a computer was stirring, not even a Logitech mouse; The last-minute pickups were boxed with care, In hopes that shipping quotas would soon be cleared... Merry Christmas and happy winter holidays from me to you. Eric Davis Would you...
I'm not a coffee drinker. I'm more of a chai and tea drinker. I've got a routine down where I make a cup of chai each morning. Warm days it's a cold drink (not iced), cool days it's a warm one. Some days I'll have a second cup in the...