I was ordering some bulk seed online the other day. I figured I'd buy a years worth at a time. That'll save me the hassle of running out in the middle of the season. But by the time I got into checkout, I saw my $20 order was going to...
October. The season for pumpkin spice everything and the start of Q4. It's also time to get your end of the year strategies started. With 9 months completed, there's a lot of data and behavior you can look at now. You can see how buying habits have changed (or not...
I've ordered a bunch of seeds over the past weeks. Last year I ran into a lot of stockouts and delays which set me back for much of the growing season. 2021 is shaping up to be a repeat so I got all of my orders in early. This past...
With autumn here now, I placed an order for several trees and berry bushes. Even though I knew I wanted them back in spring, by waiting I'll get stronger plants that'll produce faster (fall and winter planting is best). But it requires planning months ahead of time. Even then it'll...
The more customers your Shopify store has, the more valuable customer segmenting can be. But even new and small stores can benefit from segmenting... ...when you segment your customers from your non-customers. Both groups have a major difference in behavior, one bought from you and the other hasn't. That one...
This week, Shopify had a problem where two support employees stole store information and now there's a full criminal investigation into the incident. (And to preempt any worry, per-Shopify you weren't impacted unless Shopify has already contacted you about it. I know of one store who has already started to...
One of the primary functions of your business should be to keep customers you've already won. Existing customers are easier to entice to buy again (e.g. 27% vs 3% conversion rates), they spend more, and you've already built-up some measure of trust with them. Every week you need to be...
Between the high winds, power outages, and wildfire smoke, I've been stuck inside the house for the past week. Finally last Friday the rain moved in and started to clear out the smoke. Throughout the day in-between the rain cells I was able to finally clean up and disassemble what...
With the wildfires nearby, deliveries have gone really sideways. As it was USPS has been having massive delays due to administrative policies. With the smoke, the unsafe air quality, and full-on closures of roads, even other carriers are having problems. Amazon's started refunding orders because the shipments are so backed-up....
In five minutes of wind, I lost all of my corn. Portland's crazy high winds buffeted the entire yard but it was the corn that took much of the damage. In a span of five minutes it went from leaning to bent horizontal on the ground. Luckily I was out...