Shopify articles - Page 81

My process to improve and optimize a page for SEO

Last night a friend was sharing how he's going through his site and doing a content audit. He was focusing on throwing away content that doesn't get any traffic or is focused on topics outside his main market. He was struggling with what to do with his best pages though....

How missing a single Shopify bill can kill your SEO

Every now and then I'll hear from a customer who lost some of their Rich Results. I can't find anything wrong with their structured data but after a bit of sleuthing into their history often I uncover that Shopify closed their store. Shopify does this when a store fails to...

Homepage Slip 'N Slider tips

A lot of Shopify stores use sliders on their homepage in order to have more space for offers. Many conversion and accessibility folks hate sliders, with good reason. But they are still popular and you might like them for the aesthetics. If you do decide to use a slider, there...

Don't fear the email

I was looking around my email marketing provider today and saw some crazy metrics. They are vanity metrics and not important enough to share (opens, clicks, total sent) but it got me thinking about the "email is dead" meme. Dollar-for-dollar and hour-by-hour, email marketing is the best deal out there...

Are you just painting over the rust in your Shopify store?

We have four seasons here in Portland: Winter, Spring, Construction, Fall It being Construction season now, there's some heavy equipment or road blockage every other block. A bit of an inconvenience and noise but no big deal. But during my walks I see plenty of head-shaking decisions. Enough to fill...

Figuring out which marketing channels actually produce customers

Google Analytics provides a way to tag traffic using things called UTM codes. (UTM means Urchin Tracking Module. Urchin was the analytics system Google acquired and turned into Google Analytics. But you don't need to know that to use them). UTM codes are mostly used with advertising so ad systems...

Putting a backlog of valuable content to work

Earlier this year I got into the habit of publishing my daily Shopify tips to my website everyday. I used to batch process them by scheduling articles written previously for the upcoming month. That meant by the time my website would have the article it would be almost a month...

When a competitor is running circles around you

Awhile back I watched my 2nd grade daughter play in a for-fun soccer game. About midway through the match, her team started to slow down and was struggling to move the ball. By the end, they were barely able defend the goal. The reason why? Fatigue. They only had 5...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.