Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 10

Kurt Elster I ruthlessly unsubscribe from almost all newsletters. Eric’s one of a select few that I look actually forward to opening because it has proven itself consistently valuable for Shopify merchants.

Kurt Elster, Ecommerce Strategist, founder of Ethercycle, and a top Shopify Plus Expert.

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Shopify Dispatch is a weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce.

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #371 - Shopify and Google

A Bigger and Better Shopify Audiences, now available with Google Shopify Plus stores can now connect Shopify Audiences to Google Ads. I don't know how this compares to Google taking over the Shopify Google Shopping app but there's definitely a lot of changes happening in the advertising space for Shopify....

Shopify Dispatch Issue #370 - Discounting, Future of personalization

Discounts and Promotions Kevin Hillstrom writes about how discounts are a tax you pay for being unremarkable and how you can get trapped by them. The Future of Personalization and How to Get Ready For It Holly Stanley goes over trends with personalization including ways to balance customer privacy with...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #369 - Shopify Tax, Shopify abandonment automation

Introducing Shopify Tax: Taking the Stress Out of Sales Tax Shopify has released Shopify Tax to calculate and collect the specific sales taxes required for US customers. Capture More Sales With Reengagement Automations Shopify Email has added more automation templates, mainly around checkout/cart/browse abandonment. Measure your customer loyalty If you'd...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #368 - Gross margin, Merge customers in Shopify

Gross Margin Dollars Kevin Hillstrom writes about how important gross margin is and how you can keep it high by building an organic marketing channel. Merge customer profiles After many years of requests by merchants, Shopify now allows customers to be merged. Measure your customer loyalty If you'd like to...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #367 - Acquisition vs loyalty

Acquisition vs loyalty Kevin Hillstrom wrote a set of articles on acquisition-vs-loyalty that fit well together. First, you need to figure out what mode your business is in. Based on your customer rebuy rates, you might be focused on the wrong things. Second, are your products wanted, needed, and giving...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #366 - Free Google Shopping listings, Shopify POS Go

Google's update that impacts Rich Results & Merchant Center Ilana Davis writes about the Google update that now allows you to use structured data to show up in Google Shopping's free listings. Basically, more visibility and free traffic to your product pages if they have the correct structured data. From...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #365 - Shopify international, What do the metrics say

Commerce without borders Shopify has released an update to their Markets featured called Markets Pro as well as releasing a new translation app. These improvements will help merchants setup and manage their international access. We Can Fix That Rebuy Rate Kevin Hillstrom writes about accepting what your business metrics say...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #364 - Customer retention marketing, Peak acquisition time

Ecommerce Customer Retention Marketing: How to Use Emails, Loyalty Programs & Communities to Improve Retention Elise Dopson writes how to measure and improve customer retention through marketing. Targeting large Shopify stores, there are ideas that can be used or simplified for any store size. Peak Acquisition Time Kevin Hillstrom reminds...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #362 - Shopify accessibility, Repeat customers

Do accessibility apps really work on Shopify As easy as Shopify apps are to install, most of them take effort to get results. Especially apps that have to work deeply to correct your theme code like accessibility apps. Ilana Davis writes about how accessibility apps don't really solve the accessibility...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.