Shopify articles - Page 86

How paying attention can prevent a complete loss

In five minutes of wind, I lost all of my corn. Portland's crazy high winds buffeted the entire yard but it was the corn that took much of the damage. In a span of five minutes it went from leaning to bent horizontal on the ground. Luckily I was out...

Distance your Shopify store from its competitors

Your competitors influence how your customer behaves. On one end, if you're the only producer of a product and it's patent-protected, you're going to attract all of the customers who need and can afford the product. You have a lot of flexibility to do what you want without losing too...

Help your customers compare your products easily in Shopify

When you offer multiple levels of a product, you want to make it easy for a customer to compare them. You could build in a custom compare feature into your Shopify store which can be useful for complex products with detailed specs. But not every product needs such a power...

Make your Shopify store referable

For decades, every study and evaluation on customer buying behavior rates referrals as an important reason why someone bought. It's one of the sources that cannot easily be bought, at least not without long-term harm to relationships. That means you'll need to work extra hard to make sure your Shopify...

Spare a watt for a neighbor?

For the first time in 3.5 years, I came close to not getting a Shopify Tip out. Portland had some unprecedented levels of wind storms that started on Monday afternoon and have taken out hundreds of trees in the area. In the city of trees, that means lots of power...

How likely is each of your products to create repeat customers?

Last week I improved the First Products report in Repeat Customer Insights so that it will now show you which products produce the most repeat customers. It does this by analyzing the product and customer data to calculate the Repeat Purchase Rate for each individual product (and variant). This means...

Digging up the performance-sapping weeds from your Shopify store

Our neighbor has been removing and cleaning up some overgrown shrubs and trees recently. While the plants added some nice privacy between our yards, a set of invasive blackberries took up residence under them and started to take over their yard (as blackberries will do). So they've been cutting, digging,...

Shattering my phone

I shattered my phone screen the other day. I pulled it out of my pocket, it slipped from my hand, and hit the hardwood floor just perfect enough to shatter the entire screen. Even with a wraparound case. It still runs but the screen is so covered with cracks that...

Analyze how your holiday customer behavior was different

Ah, September. This has been one of the longest and one of the shortest years ever. Now would be a good time to start to analyze the customer behavior of last year's holiday shoppers. Did you have a lot of one-time buyers from the holidays? How many stuck around and...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.